aael s.r.o.

Reliable Solar Solutions: Tailored to Suit Your Every Need

We offer solutions in the field of building management, construction, residential, and industrial installations, as well as the construction of photovoltaic systems in combination with a diesel generator

aael s.r.o.


16 years of experience

Trusted by companies, governments and military

We have been part of nearly a hundred projects

We have a strong presence in the Central European market, particularly in Czechia and Slovakia, as well as in Africa. We have installed multiple solutions in Somalia and Oman, where we worked with the Ministry of Defence on an off-grid solution.

Our Services

We offer a wide range of services that cover your project from the beginning of documentation to the end - including production, monitoring, and ongoing maintenance.



Equipment Installation. Installation of Camera Systems. Cable Installation - cable systems for electrical installations in residential and industrial buildings


Renewable Energy

Photovoltaics in all ranges up to multi-megawatt solutions, as well as its combination with other power sources and optimization with diesel generators. Off-grid solutions.



Creation of Metallic and Optical Networks. Maintenance of Public Lighting. Remote control and monitoring of installed equipment.

Contact us

Contact us

Let's talk about solutions for your project

Give us a call or send us an email, and we will get in touch as soon as possible to arrange an on-site meeting.
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